Sunday, July 5, 2009


From now on, I will only blog when I have a huge burst of emotions, or when I need to rant about something. :) I've already been doing that anyway

Saturday, April 11, 2009

I'm gonna....

... Post a pic of HIM on my next blog if I have the guts to! lol. I found a really amazing pic of him! All of his football pics are really good.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


My Awesome friend Jacque is the best person ever! Smart, fit, friendly, polite, obedient, responsible, pretty, musical, talented, insightful, humble (really, really humble), gives good advice, sympathetic, funny, and really super duper awesome. Oh yea, I know ur jealous, cuz she's a one-in-a-million. OMG!!! 


Monday, April 6, 2009


Ok, so there's this guy at school that I really like, and he's a really, really, really, cute nerd that doesn't watch tv. We're like pretty good friends now, and every now and then, we'd exchange those types of glances. So like 5 minutes ago, I just decided to search him up on Myspace. I wasn't expecting to find him on there cuz he doesn't watch tv, but I saw him!!!!!! So I added him and I got really excited and gave me an adrenaline rush that made me tap my toes real fast, bite my fingers and knuckles, take deep breaths, made my heart race, and gave me enough adrenaline to type up a blog entry and I'm typing so fast right now, and I just looked up, and I was like, "Woah. I typed really fast." OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait to tell all my friends! Oh, and his pic is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOTT!!!!!!!!!!! He plays on a football team, but not for our school. It's a picture of him sitting on a bench in football and the sun is at the PERFECT angle, and his beautiful blonde hair looks so shiny and bright, and his blue eyes look AMAZING beneath his eyelashes, and he's not smiling in the pic and not looking at the camera, which makes him look like a model. lol. He has a really, really, really cute smile though! He's got braces which make him look super cute, but he doesn't look like he needs braces anymore though.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hooooooooooly crap!


The world's gone emo!

So many people I know, especially from my school, have gone goth, or emo. All the uncool nerds are starting to be goth too. WTF! Last year I was a very sad person because I actually had problems, and yes, I WAS emo, but nowadays, the majority of emos do it to conform. And now some stores like Fred Meyers, Kohl's, Target, Walmart, etc., are putting skulls on their clothing, and it looks awfully poser-ish. To some people, whatever has a skull on it, or is black, is emo, and they'll buy it.
Emos are kinda known for their side bangs that go in the face. People are now brushing their hair from clear across their head, to the other side, past their face. There's a reason why emos are known for their bangs, they're bangs! They're not hair transfers. If you're gonna try emo bangs, at least cut them!
Then there are "emos" that are just preps but try to be in style. That's one of the reasons why the world is going emo. Some ditzy popular girl puts on dark makeup and ripped jeans, then the rest of the school does it too. Hot Topic gets new customers, but loses their old, true emo/goth customers.
I really love Twilight. The books and the movie. I love it because it's what I LIKE. People, especially the poser emos, like it because it has vampires in it. Since when was Twilight an emo thing? It barely has anything to do with vampires, it's about LOVE. The books and movie is not the least bit morbid either. WTF. 
My definition of emo is, someone who's emotional, specifically depressed. Someone who's goth, just looks freaky and wears like black stuff and stuff. someone who's a poser, looks as much as a certain stereotype as they can, even if they don't like it, and lie to themselves and others just to be accepted. Now that is just pathetic and sad, and my heart goes out to those people. Maybe, if everyone just acted themselves for a day, they would find some pretty awesome friends.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I'm gonna start...

... posting up poems. Pretty cheesy, but I want something to save it with other than my notebook. ;)

P.S. Nickasaur is on Itunes! Download now!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The big "L" word...

... I'm under the influence of it... and I'm talking about LUST. 
I've been so jealous lately about this guy, and it's not even funny, like I am going insane over things I shouldn't even worry about. Of course I don't tell anyone except for one person, and I don't show my true emotions. I'm always "happy" and I don't have a choice. Valentine's day will be the day that I find out if he likes me or not. I think he does, but then he's older than me so he might not like me as much as I like him. *SIGH!!!!* SO CONFUSING! He's in high school, and I'm in middle school. That sucks.
My school's dances suck! I'm not even gonna get into the details. There will be a Valentine's day dance coming up and I am NOT looking forward to it. It'll be worse than the last dance I went to(details in another entry). 

I hate the menstrual cycle.

Middle school sucks. Everyone's so immature and doesn't listen to anyone. It's so "cool" to be a rebel. psh. Then get used to wearing orange suits and eating stale bread and drinking water.
Anyway, this is just another one of my rant posts because I don't have enough time to actually blog, and I'm in too much pain to blog... Boys have it so good.


I think I'm on my period :O o.O

Monday, January 5, 2009

I am...

... Emotionally messed up. I really can't get into this, because someone I know might read this, and the last thing I need is for people to get into my grill. I really wanna blog about it though. 

Friday, January 2, 2009

I need an Apple life

I am such a huuuuuuuuge fan of Apple Inc. I want an Ipod touch, Iphone, Macbook Air, Nike+Ipod thing, and yea. It's so expensive though :s haha, but when I'm older, and touring with my band in the future, I'll be making money, then I'll have my Apple life!

I forgot to say Happy New Year!!! To... My readers? I had a New Years party at my house because my generous parents always have parties on special occasions at our house with a bunch of people(people from church and family friends and such) I had a great time and will be posting a video of the countdown at my house on Youtube. It got really, really, hot in my house and my skin got all oily and a bit of my eyeliner was starting to smudge. I didn't care much though because I was having so much fun!!!

I have recently started editing videos. I've always had a video editing program on my computer, it's just I never used it. I'm kind of addicted to it now. It all started because I wanted to make a video for my science project. I figured it would be the coolest and easiest option instead of doing a speech, powerpoint, or paper. So yea, I'm still working on it, because I kept holding it off. Now I have two projects for school that's late. I should be done after winter break. I go back to school on January 5th, and the semester ends four weeks after winter break, and I'll get 10% off of my full grade on my projects just because it's late!!!! Last quarter I got straight A's except for one freakin' B in Literature class!!! Only because I forgot to turn in this paper that barely has anything to do with my intelligence. This quarter, I think I'm gonna do worse :( I'll never make the honor roll. I've been slacking. I would hold off things and become lazy. I can't do that anymore. Wow look at me ranting about my grades. lol. But I digress. This paragraph wasn't even meant to be about grades. Wow. I am such a dork!

Right now it is 7:26 am PST. I stayed up all night. My eyes hurt. My legs are cold cuz I haven't been under a blanket all night, and I'm wearing shorts. I'm gonna go to sleep after I watch the Tyra show ;) Then I'll try to wake up in time to watch Ellen. lol. I am a dork 8-)

I'm currently really into this Scottish/Irish British Pop/Rock singer Declan Galbraith. I really like his You and Me album. I think he would sing much better if he wasn't so nasally. It really bothers me, but I still love him, especially when he was younger. Wow. He amazes me. I wish I was that talented.

Yesterday my gymnastics training was cancelled. That sucked cuz I had nothing else to do except work on my science project, watch tv, eat toaster stroodles, and be lazy. I could go outside to go jogging cuz it was too dark, no one was on Myspace, and I just had nothing to do. My mom told me to clean my room, but I was like, "Nah, I'd rather work on my science project." I used to eat when I was bored... That didn't really encourage my skinny jeans to fit properly at that time, but that was like a year ago, and now I'm in shape and yea. Now I usually just sing when I'm bored. lol. 

Winter break has been so good to me! I've been away from that drama filled box called school for half a month, and I've been away from that guy in one of my earlier entries. I should really stop talking about school :/

Currently, I'm watching the only interesting thing on basic cable. Kid shows. They're always so colorful. I don't know about you, but I enjoy SOME kiddy shows :p

Now that I recently got a new hair straightener(my old one broke), I can cut my bangs, then I can go get my layered hair cut I've wanted since June '08. The "emo" layered cut. I'm not a poser. My hair's just really thick.

I should stop this entry now. It's getting way too long.