Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The big "L" word...

... I'm under the influence of it... and I'm talking about LUST. 
I've been so jealous lately about this guy, and it's not even funny, like I am going insane over things I shouldn't even worry about. Of course I don't tell anyone except for one person, and I don't show my true emotions. I'm always "happy" and I don't have a choice. Valentine's day will be the day that I find out if he likes me or not. I think he does, but then he's older than me so he might not like me as much as I like him. *SIGH!!!!* SO CONFUSING! He's in high school, and I'm in middle school. That sucks.
My school's dances suck! I'm not even gonna get into the details. There will be a Valentine's day dance coming up and I am NOT looking forward to it. It'll be worse than the last dance I went to(details in another entry). 

I hate the menstrual cycle.

Middle school sucks. Everyone's so immature and doesn't listen to anyone. It's so "cool" to be a rebel. psh. Then get used to wearing orange suits and eating stale bread and drinking water.
Anyway, this is just another one of my rant posts because I don't have enough time to actually blog, and I'm in too much pain to blog... Boys have it so good.

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