Friday, December 26, 2008

My lates pet peeve...

People who can't get over people yelling at them need to toughen up. I don't like people yelling at me either, but I don't start crying over it. I know this is a weird topic, but I just needed something to rant about. I was just ranting about it to my younger cousin just now so I was like, "Why not just blog about it?" I didn't have anything to blog about in the first place.

This is how the story goes...
My other younger cousin got yelled at(more like got talked to in a harsh tone) by my older cousin because she was doing stupid stuff and causing problems. The younger cousin has a problem with people telling her no, or disagreeing from her. She also annoys me because she lies way too much, but that's another story.

Anyway, I just want to say, it's really annoying when people pout about stupid things, especially if they deserve it. People get yelled at, get accused, argue, disagree, and get scolded in their life. People should get used to that. I don't know how people like my younger cousin are gonna survive in the world if they keep this kind of view of everything up.

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